Educational certificate attestation

Educational certificate attestation is one of the most important and commonly used documents by employers. If you are looking for a job, you will be required to submit a copy of your educational certificate along with your resume. Attestation of educational certificate means that the institution has certified that the information on the educational certificate is true and accurate.

Why do you need Educational Certificate Attestation?

A student who has passed his/her graduation exam can submit the same as proof of passing exam. This is needed to verify whether he/she has passed or not. If your name is misspelled in any way or if there are any errors in the details mentioned on your academic record, then it may result in rejection from certain companies or institutes. It is best to have an attested copy of your academic record so that no issues arise during verification process at any time.

Educational certificate attestation is needed for various reasons. Educational certificate attestation is a process through which an educational institution gets the approval of an external agency to verify the authenticity of the institute’s documents. The main purpose behind this process is to ensure that there are no frauds and that the institutions are genuine and not fake ones.

Process of educational certificate attestation

·         SDM (sub-divisional magistrate).

·         MEA (ministry of external affairs) attestation.

·         Embassy attestation.

·         MOFA (ministry of foreign affairs) Attestation.

Are you worried about getting attestation for all your educational certificates? Not now! Yes, we at Genius attestation services, we take care of all your attestation needs from beginning till the end of the process. So don’t worry from here on. You can peacefully rely on us and so we will complete all your attestation needs on behalf of you. Get your educational certificate attestation from Genius attestation today!

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